How did you sleep last night?
Hi Friend,
Deep sleep is one of the most powerful things you can do for health and wellness.
Missing it is very bad.
Most deep sleep happens early in your sleep cycle.
If you miss your deep sleep window, it's gone (mostly). See in my data that all of my deep sleep happened in the first 3rd of the night. Sometimes I'll get a bit more deep sleep in the early parts of the morning too but it's always heavily weighted towards the beginning of the night.
Deep sleep is a super power. It is essential for physical restoration, muscle repair, immune function, and detoxifying the brain. It improves memory, supports learning, regulates hormones, and promotes emotional resilience.
Here's how you can get Deep Sleep.
How to get deep sleep:
1. Consume your final meal of the day at least 2 hours before bed. Work your way back to 8 hours before bed, even if for experimentation purposes only. Test out different eating windows and find the optimal time for you.
2. Have a 30-60 minute wind down routine before bed. Go for a walk, read a book, meditate or do breath work. Calm yourself from the day's activities. Turn off screens. Prepare your body and mind for sleep. It's worth it. I promise.
3. Decide on your bedtime and then be in bed +/- 30 minutes every day. Your bedtime is your most important appointment of the day. Respect yourself and be on time.
4. Turn off screens. Lower house lights. Avoid blues. use amber and red light.
5. Try to avoid caffeine and other stimulants at least 12 hours before bed. Experiment with not consuming caffeine to evaluate if caffeine is negatively affecting your sleep. Avoid alcohol all together.
6. Aim to get 1-2 hours of deep sleep every night. It will change your life and make everything better.
Be well,