How to Make My Anti-Aging Lunch (Live to 120+)
I eat Super Veggie every day. I love it. Here’s how to make it at home:
Super Veggie Ingredients
- Black lentils, 45 grams dry, ~150 grams cooked
- Broccoli (head+stalk), 250 grams (Can also use Broccoli sprouts)
- Cauliflower. 150 grams
- Shiitake or Maitake Mushrooms, 50 grams
- Garlic, 1 clove (a piece)
- Ginger Root, 3 grams
- Lime, 1
- Cumin, 1 Tbsp
- Apple Cider Vinegar, 1 Tbsp
- Hemp Seeds, 1 Tbsp
- After prep, drizzle 1 Tbsp of Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Super Veggie Instructions
- Weigh vegetables. Place broccoli, cauliflower, mushrooms (maitake or shiitake), ginger and garlic in boiling water*. Boil until tender (7-9 min). Steaming is also acceptable.
- Lentils: bring the water to boil in a medium saucepan. Add lentils. Reduce heat to low and cook uncovered for 18-20 or minutes until "al dente". Place in a colander to drain and rinse under cold water.
- You can choose to blend or keep whole.
- Blend in a high-speed blender place 1 Tbsp of dried cumin, 1 Tbsp of apple cider vinegar, 1 fresh Lime, cooked black lentils, the strained cooked vegetables, and blend until it becomes thick soup. Can also serve as the picture above.
- If needed add some of the vegetable water (or steaming water) to thin out the texture.
- Top with hemp seeds.
I season it with NuSalt (potassium chloride).
*Cooked via low temperature, high humidity, high acidity, high antioxidant cooking methods to minimize formation of Advanced Glycation End-products (AGEs) and Advanced Lipid Peroxidation End-products (ALEs).
A note on Super Veggie taste. The food I eat is delicious to me; one of the most exciting moments of my day. When starting, sometimes there is a period of adaptation and some want to play with the recipe and texture. Blueprint breaks all kinds of social norms which predictably triggers human responses that draw those lines.