After living in Ecuador for two years amongst extreme poverty at the age of 21, I came back to the US and decided I would devote my life to making the largest and most meaningful impact on humanity as possible.

During my 20s, building startups consumed my life, making it easy to neglect my health and focus on being a martyr for my company.

To relieve the pain of a struggling relationship and constant stress at work, when evening time rolled around, I would uncontrollably overeat and eat junk food, and I was helpless to stop myself.

Nothing mattered to me more in life than to be the best possible dad to my kids. As a family, we were always doing new and adventurous things together. Spending time with my kids is one of the most fulfilling and joyful experiences in my life.

“Growing up, I’d look at my friends’ dads and think, ‘Wow, I really lucked out with mine.’ He’s my best friend in the world, and honestly, if there were a real competition for a ‘World’s Best Dad’ mug, he’d be a strong contender.” — TALMAGE JOHNSON

After selling my company Braintree Venmo for $800 million, I traveled back in time to my 21 year old dreams of doing something impactful for the human race. I wondered if we may be the first generation to not die. I put a team of 30 medical professionals together, built the world’s best health protocol, and I became the most biologically measured person in history and achieved the best biomarkers in the world. Quantitatively, the healthiest person on the planet.

Now is the first time in 2,000 years for a new, globally adopted ideology to emerge.  AI is progressing faster than any of us can comprehend, causing us to reexamine everything we think about ourselves, each other and society. This is now humanity’s to do list: 

  • Don’t die individually. 
  • Don’t kill each other. 
  • Don’t destroy the planet. 
  • Align AI with Don’t Die.